Analysis of scientific production at the
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas and
assessment of its impact on educational
quality indicators.

Frida Carmina Caballero Rico, Rocío Margarita Uresti Marín Y José A. Ramírez de León
based on the scientific production from 1989 to 2011, obtained from the isi Web of Knowledge database, this work analyzes the number of papers published in international journals by researchers from the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), thus establishing the relationship this index has with official distinctions granted to researchers and programs. The number of publications showed a significant association with the distinctions for researchers awarded by conacyt (National System for Researchers) but not for distinctions for academic programs (National Register of Quality Programs), concomitantly, sep´s distinctions for professors (Perfil PROMEP) and for academic bodies were not found to be related to publication output.
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