The Mexican research sector: Privileges, tensions and hierarchies

Marion Lloyd
This article analyzes the impact of several decades of science and technology policies in Mexico on the country´s research sector, using a selection of data from the two most extensive surveys of Mexican researchers. Of particular relevance, I present for the first time the results of the second survey, applied by the Network of Researchers on Academics (RDISA) in 2007-2008 to nearly 12,000 members of the National Researchers System (SNI). Although the study was conducted a decade ago, it constitutes the most complete and recent survey of the SNI members. Given the continuity in S&T policies in recent years, the data likely reflects, in broad terms, the current state of Mexican researchers. It gives a mixed picture, revealing strong tensions, hierarchies and gender inequalities, as well as the significant privileges enjoyed by SNI members compared with other Mexican academics.
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