Assumptions behind "outside evaluation-financial stimuli" on university faculty: A method contrasting Spain and Mexico

Rosalía Susana Lastra B., Óscar J. Comas R., Eva Aguayo L.
In this paper we analyze the institutional impact of the "outside evaluation-financial stimuli" policies applied to fulltime university faculty in Spain and Mexico. We address four underlying assumptions, which in the Mexican case are exemplified in the issues surrounding gender. We then adapt the method to the Spanish case, given the similarities in terms of policy procedures and the resulting "ideal" profiles. In both cases, faculty members gave multiple interpretations of the benefits of the policies, as well as of the organizational disconnects between the official requests and the identities of professors, still in the process of configuration. We conclude the article by summarizing the controversial effects of these policies, which are made particularly clear through the use of the comparative method.
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