Public university coordination as a problem and a necessity: Political debates, proposals and experiences in Argentina (1885-1930)

Laura Roberta Rodríguez
This paper analyzes the legislative proposals, debates and experiences of inter-institutional forums of public universities in Argentina, between the enactment of the Avellaneda Law in 1885 and the 1930 military coup. I begin by placing the system of inter-university coordination in historical context, by linking it to the wider economic, political and social processes. The paper uses a socio-historical perspective, based on primary and secondary sources, in order to analyze the legislative proposals to reform or abolish Law 1597/1885. I also describe the experiences of the "National University Congresses" developed during the presidency of Marcelo T. de Alvear (1922-1928). Finally, I discuss the ways in which different proposals, debates and experiences identified university coordination as a problem in need of regulation.
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